Thursday, August 28, 2008

Even the Rude Hamptons Editor Can Be Rude

A while back I got an email saying RheRudeHamptons editor loved my story about the idiot in Hess (the bottle opener she wanted to "borrow") and offered me a bumper sticker.  Although I have seen these bumper stickers around, like la superica,etc.,

I never got mine.

Is that rude, or what?

- Martha

Yes it slipped through the cracks, but rest assured three bumper stickers are in the mail tomorrow. - The Editor


  1. lol...Thats funny!!! I want my sticker and I want it now!! waaaa

  2. Yo I want a bumper sticker too....what's up with trying to create this elite club of TRH bumper sticker havers. That in itself is RUDE!!!!!

  3. Thanks,
    I appreciate the bumper stickersssss!!! And it was a JOKE!!! (ME) Stop judging, you idiot, and get a sense of what is commonly otherwise known as "humor." You should try it sometime!!!
