Monday, September 1, 2008

Do You Have A Problem?

I'm driving out of Citarella, via the exit as one should. As I'm pulling out and making sure I don't run anyone over on the sidewalk in rolls a giant SUV.

Waving my hands, Captain America rolls down his window and says, "What's your problem?"

"You're coming in the exit," I respond comely.

Captain America responds, "Do you expect me to drive around the corner?"

Next time I'm going to put the car in park and call the cops. Enough is enough!

- Park and Dial 911


  1. the morons do this all the time in the Waldbaums parking lot in Southampton. They go out the entrance. I drive in the entrance and people expect me to get out of the way so they can go exit out of the designated entrance. Sometimes we are ina modern day standoff and I wait for them to move and go use the actual exit.

  2. You should not call 911 for a problem like this, was this a TRUE emergency?
